Saturday, October 30, 2010

Still Figuring It All Out!!

Good morning all! Well, I'm still trying to figure this all out. I have my background chosen, but my title is covered up by it and I don't know how to fix it. I'll figure it out though.

Andrew left a little bit ago to go into church to work on his Sunday school lesson and to study. I have to say that when we first moved here, I was really upset about that because I was so used to having him around. (He used to have three day weekends and then he was laid off) He does get Mondays off though, so that's our "Saturday" I still have some unpacking to do today from being away from here for a month!! And I'm making chili tonight, so I have to get that started and into the crock-pot. Nothing better than hot chili or even hot soup on a cool fall day like today. This is a new recipe, so I'm anxious to try it!!

Ok, off I go! Have a great weekend!!

Friday, October 29, 2010

My First Blog

So, this is it! I've decided to go ahead and start a blog. It's kind of like having a FaceBook account...Everybody has one, right? I'm not too sure on what it's going to be about exactly. Mainly about family life. Being a wife, mother, friend, daughter and a get the point. Well, here I go! I hope  you enjoy reading what I have to say, cause I'm pretty much going to say what is on my mind at the present.

Hubby has just gotten up off the couch to get ready to bed so I think I'll follow him. Going to get ready myself, read for a bit, and then hit the hay because tomorrow, Lord willing, is another day that He will graciously give me to be able to take care of my two beautiful children, Brandon (2 1/2) and Kherington (almost 7 months) while Andrew is at the church working. Good night!! :-)